Wednesday 3 October 2007

Work Experience

I think we all believe in Work Experience. Gives our young people a taste of the real world; builds confidence, lets the tender flowers bloom.

There is undoubtedly a measure of satisfaction to be had sitting as one of the greybeards snugly taking pleasure in seeing the young ones come on.

So when we see the local celebrity in the Town throwing himself enthusiastically into the concept of Work Experience, it is worthy of comment. Ticks a few of the new Tory buttons. Is this a genuine example of ‘Good Egg Behavious’ or is there, somewhere behind the innocent public face, a naked play for the picture in the paper?.

It has to be said that Andy goes for the younger and prettier end of the Work Experience market.

We had a rather startling example of the genre at the Walmley Cricket Club Meeting the other night.. Business was being transacted , positions were emerging, attitudes being explained.. We’d got to that bit in the meeting where the entity takes over and takes a view. The really valuable part of the meeting.

And suddenly, we have a contribution from young lady bearing personal message from Andrew Mitchell. You can imagine that the Meeting screeched to a halt. You could hear the muted hubuub. What on earth could it be. Murmurs swept the hall. A messenger from the MP himself.

I have to say that the contribution did not quite measure up to the intro. We dribbled into a rather garbled exposition maintaining Andy’s undying conviction that he hadn’t backed down and he would not be supporting development on Walmley Cricket Ground.

It sort of underlined the complete Horlicks Andy made of the issue. To get it wrong, then to pretend you hadn’t, then to be seen to send a missive from a hundred miles away. In the hands of a fresh faced cheerleader. Not his best moment.

It is extremely important that prospective employers take this Work Experience thing seriously. It really does the Tory Party no favours to be seen to be so cavalier with innocent foot soldiers anxious to please. There is an enormous responsibility on the mentor to train, to encourage, to support. To be there for the younger generation.

The girl was cannon fodder. Andy owes her an apology.

Bit like Walmley Cricket Club.

Bit like the residents.


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