Tuesday 18 September 2007

It gets stranger

It gets even stranger.

Local Hero Andrew Mitchell has taken part in a meeting with the Directors of Walmley Cricket Club and ‘insisted’ that there be no development at Walmleys ground.

In July Andrew had his picture taken with the Managing Director of Sports Partnership who ‘help sports club to relocate’ by buying and selling their grounds.

In August young Andrew wrote to the papers condemning a ‘vexatious’ local campaign run by Dr Rob Pocock advising residents the cricket ground might be developed.

Now, he’s got a bit vexatious himself.


Never mind the cricket, what does this say about the state of politics in one of the most bankable true blue constituencies in the country.

It says that Andrew hasn’t been doing his homework. Neither he nor his (forever) hard working councillors picked up on a flagrant attempt to cash in on an immensely valuable piece of green but 100 yards from the village centre. It says that Andrew’s extremely expensive office likewise failed to recognise Dr Pocock’s efforts as genuine and useful. It says that Andrews choice of words is dreadfully flawed. The suggestion that Dr Pocock was ‘spinnng’ the subject was particularly unfortunate.

There is a surprising and enduring froth which attends our MP. His endeavours to portray the dedicated constituency MP are becoming slightly tedious. He pursues meaningless column inches with a determination which in fact devalues his position.

The Town is maturing under his feet. It no longer hangs on every word of the Tory MP simply because he’s the MP. There is a detectable hunger for a more grown up perspective. The Town understands that there is a dynamic which attends the progress of the community and it regrets the refusal of the ruling party to engage with the subject. The Councillors and the MP betray a determined lack of leadership, a deep conviction that things will turn out alright.

The Cricket Club debacle is but a symptom. The disease needs a different order of commitment, enthusiasm and intellectual heavy lifting.

Is Andrew the man?


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