Saturday 15 December 2007

Pity the Poor Councillor

Boldmere is pointing the way. Unlikely heroes, Boldmere, but they are playing a moderate hand very nicely.

Political textbooks are not common currency in Boldmere; there is no healthy competition here in political terms. Forget the word healthy. Boldmere elects Tories – end of. Tories have no need to try too hard. Let’s be honest, Tories have no great need to try at all. Tories can confine themselves with appearing to try.

But, the Neighbourhood Forum, strangely and gratifyingly, are doing it for themselves. Small groups of private people have organised, have debated, have marshalled evidence, taken pictures, held meetings. And have shamed their Councillors into doing something about Boldmere. The tectonic plates trembled.

Councillors tend not to act. Councillors make a noise. Often in inverse proportion to action.

But, and there is possibly the germ of a PHD here, the non elected volunteers have established themselves as the de facto leaders of the community. It is they who take the photos, who write the policy, it is they who care enough about the community actually to invoke change.

Councillors have a default button. It is their role to prevent change. Spending other people’s money is actually fairly attractive but the real political kudos are to be found in keeping the cost down. Reputations are forged as strong men prepared to stand their ground against the expectant hordes.

So Boldmere will need to adjust their keen anticipation or, make sure that they send a proper message. The proper message rejects the pathetic gesture offered them. Furthermore it spells out in large blocked capitals their determination to carry out the basic improvements to the fabric of Boldmere Road.

To do that they need to be focussed, to be assertive, to be patient. And they need to understand the tactics employed by the average Councillor. His best weapon is time. He is stuffed to the gills with time. And he will use that gradually to deflate expectations. He knows he will find no extra money without some extreme unpleasantness and bitter recriminations from elsewhere on the carousel.. What he dreads above all is a sustained, high profile, articulate challenge.

Ironic really. Councillors, a lot of them, go into politics to do things. Sad that they can’t. Tragic.

But the real kicker is the seamless transformation into the party hack, Look for the mute acceptance of the role of gatekeeper to the public purse.

Never mind the quality, feel the pain.


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