Saturday 29 March 2008


Andy is implacable.

It’s official. It must be, it says so in the Sutton Observer.

The locals who live round (literally) the Walmley Cricket Club wrote to our boy. They told him how worried they were that the WCC were intent on upping sticks and moving to a more promising location and that the move would be funded by selling the strip.

Andy was predictably horrified. He does get a bit horrified in election season and this time he really put pen to paper in no uncertain terms.

He is, was and ever shall be implacably opposed to building on the site. He explained, helpfully, how in the beginning he had been asked to support Walmley CC in their quest for larger surroundings and he had seen that as helping his constituents in their ambitious quest for new facilities appropriate for the leisure activities of the youth of the borough.

Andy thus forgave himself for the rather unwise photo opportunity with the dignitary from the CC and the extraordinarily helpful gent from the property company who dream up the whizzo scheme to fund the new facility.

We were told at the time that the destiny of the current home of the CC ‘had never been discussed’. So that was alright then.

And now, here we are, six months on. And a determined knot of residents stand defiantly at the front gates of the CC demonstrating their total opposition to any plans which might replace the sward with immoderate quantities of empty apartments.

CC has gone a bit silent. Andy is backing both sides. But is implacable.

What stands out a country mile is not the statements, not the waving of letters, not the strained faces of the worried residents.

It is the palpable absence of the MP.

This man lives for photo opportunities. This man is all over the paper every week. This man posed with Walmley CC in the autumn.

Implacable he might be. Don’t bet on him.


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