Friday 29 February 2008

Don't do it

There is a time in every red blooded male’s life when the red mist descends, the provocation becomes too much, the devils have to be cast out.

Such a moment is fast approaching for Dr Pocock.

It has become obvious over the past week or so that the Tories are spoiling for a fight. Thay continue to advertise aggressive intent, they paw the ground, they snort through distended nostrils and dare anyone to bar their way.

Most of this, of course, is exaggerated bluster. It is the product of eleven years out of office, and considerably more than that out of power. What is adding to their frustration is that for all their confident demeanour, they are not certain of getting back next time.

So we can understand the heat and the noise.

But we must not be caught cold by any of their tactical wiles.

Nightwatchman has heard that Mr A Mitchell, unsuccessful MP of this parish, intends to challenge Dr Pocock to a public debate at the next election.

Now Mr Mitchell has very rarely been seen debating anywhere at all. And least of all in Sutton Coldfield. Mr Mitchell is a past master at being seen to encourage small boys and girls to debate each other. But he leaves the actual business to others more of a mind to take risks. Dr Pocock’s invitation to cross vocal swords with said Mr Mitchell fell on very stony ground last election. Their man wasn’t up for it.

So, if I were Dr Pocock, I would be extremely chary of challenges being issued by pretty girls in the name of our photogenic MP. This is obviously a ploy created deep within the bowels of the David Cameron joke machine. He has thrown down the gauntlet to an unimpressed Gordon Brown and it makes perfect sense for each of the Shadow Cabinet to employ the same tactic. If they want to stay in a job.

When the invitation plops on Dr Pocock’s mat, he must think long and hard about his reply. It would be easy indeed to leap enthusiastically into the lists laying about him with all the erudition he employs. But there is a down side.

Dr Pocock really must not be suckered into a meaningless contest. This is a Cabinet also ran looking to dwell for a short while in the warm popular sunshine which ever seems to envelope the good Doctor. It is common knowledge on the Parade that Mr Mitchell’s primary skill is having his picture taken and indulging in meaningless absurdities to all manner of local organisations willing to pose. That and acting as umpire between Walmley residents and the developers of the Cricket Club. Where the residents are given ‘Out’.

There is absolutely nothing in this for Dr Pocock. We can take his picture, we can make his arguments. He must stand firm against the temptations of dissecting the hapless Mr Mitchell and his pathetic policies (should any emerge).

There are more important fish to fry.


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